Foxy Brown is dissing Ashanti on instagram after Ashanti posted this pic of her and Spragga. Apparently back in the early 2000's Foxy Brown had dated Spragga Benz. According to Foxy, Ashanti has slept with all of her exes. Ashanti was in Jamaica last week ringing in the New Years hosting a party at Fiction nightclub and then ringing in the new years at a party at Shaggy's house. After Ashanti posted the pic of her and Spragga , Foxy replied, "Thirsty azz Ashanti still d***ridin!" along with, "I just gave it to god.". As for Ashanti she captioned her pic with, ""So...Yall already know...#IloveMeSomeSpragga?????????Jamaica bout to be lit???????".
February 2019
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